Monday, February 4, 2013

Turnovers! Sweet & Savory Varieties

When I was a little girl, my mom would take me grocery shopping and all I could think about was the bakery aisle and the golden apple turnovers that they sold.  In hindsight, I don't know if they were freshly baked or if they merely heated up frozen pastry, but back then, I could gobble up a dozen!  So I've always been partial to any type of turnovers, whether it be sweet or savory.  This recipe uses the same blitz puff pastry as the palmiers.  So it comes in handy when you  make a huge batch of the stuff and then you can divide and freeze.  Whenever you have a hankering for anything that uses puff pastry, just thaw it out and voila!

Blitz Puff Pastry

8 oz Bread Flour
8 oz Pastry Flour (or All purpose)
1 lb Butter, slightly softened
0.25 oz Salt
8 oz Cold water

1) Sift the two flours and salt into a mixing bowl.
2) Cut the butter int othe flour, leaving 1 inch lumps.
3) Slowly add water to flour and mix until absorbed.  I use my hands to mix gently.
4) Let dough rest for 15 minutes.
5) Roll out the dough into a rectangle.
6) Fold the dough into 3 folds.  Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
7) Take chilled dough out, roll out again in rectangle and fold into 3 folds.  Refrigerate into 15 minutes.
8) Once again, take chilled dough out, roll out again in rectangle and fold into 3 folds.  Refrigerate into 15 minutes.  Now your dough is ready.

Sweet Filling (Apple) 
2 TB butter
3 medium-large apples (Granny Smith, Fuji, or Gala are good choices), peeled-cored-diced
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 TB brown sugar

Saute apples in melted butter for about 8 minutes.  Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top and saute for another 10 minutes until tender.  Set aside until cool.

Savory Filling (Spinach and Mozzarella)
Olive oil
2 cups fresh baby spinach
1 cup shredded  mozarella
1/4 cup shredded parmasean

Saute spinach in olive oil until wilted.  Season with salt and pepper.  Let cool.  Once cool, drain any excess liquid from spinach.  Combine cheeses and spinach for filling.

If you need to thaw out your pastry, go ahead until it's easy to roll out.

1) Roll out your puff pastry so that its about 1/8" thick.
2) Cut out 4" x 4" squares.  Dab egg wash on two edges of the square.
3) Place about a 2 TB amount of filling in the center of each square and fold over into a triangle.  The egg wash should seal the dough together.
4)  Use a fork to seal edges and use a knife to make slits on top so air can escape.  Brush tops with egg wash.
5) Bake on a buttered baking sheet for about 20 minutes until golden brown.
6)  Let cool and then enjoy!

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