Monday, March 25, 2013

Brief Hiatus

So, the food truck I work for was invited to the illustrious South By Southwest Festival in Austin a couple weeks back and so it took away from my blogging time.  Slinging sliders and hawking sandwiches at 100 miles per hour was the name of the game.  Tough, hard work but strangely satisfying after it was all said and done.  I'm glad its over but I'm a stronger person for it, I believe!  It was a really warm welcome for our first time in Austin.  Our food was really, really well received and couldn't have asked for more support and kindness from the strong Austin food truck community. 

We shared a gravel parking lot directly adjacent to the Austin Convention Center, the heart of SXSW so the hunger was brought by all of the festival-goers.  Other food trucks who were selling their goods alongside us included The Seedling Truck, Duk Truck, Waffle Bus, East Side Kings, and the oh-so delicious Chi'lantros.

It's so funny because when you're in the food industry, it's strange how little time you actually get to sit and enjoy FOOD!  Sometimes you're just on the go-go-go and you forget to eat because you too busy creating dishes for hungry customers!  But one glorious dish I wanted to brag about while I was at South-By was the Kimchee Yakisoba bowl from East Side Kings.  It consisted of flavorful noodles, spicy kimchee, and crunchy fried chicken all rounded out with fresh cilantro and a spicy mayo.

So if you're in the Austin area, its a must to check out the huge food truck scene in the city.  Click here for a comprehensive site of all of the trucks.

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